Thank you for choosing Deebaz Luxury Attire. We appreciate your trust, and our commitment is to provide you with a seamless shopping experience. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we are here to assist you.
You have 5 calendar days from the date of receipt to initiate a return for an item.
To qualify for a return, the item must be unused, in its original condition, and in the original packaging.
Ensure that the original tags are intact and accompany the returned product.
Please note that certain items, such as undergarments or swimwear, may not be eligible for returns due to hygiene concerns unless they are deemed faulty.
Returns and exchanges are only accepted in cases of size-related issues.
Returns and exchanges are not applicable to SALE items.
Upon receiving your returned item, our team will inspect it, and you will be notified of the refund status.
If approved, the refund will be initiated to your original payment method.
The credit will be processed within a specific timeframe, depending on the policies of your card issuer.
You are responsible for covering the shipping costs for returning the item, and these costs are non-refundable.
If a refund is issued, the return shipping cost will be deducted from the refund amount.
For items of significant value, we recommend using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance.
If you receive a damaged or defective item, please contact us immediately at, providing details of the product and the defect. We will promptly address the issue to ensure your satisfaction.
Sale Items
Sale items are eligible for refunds, but please note that the refunded amount will be based on the sale price at the time of purchase, not the original full price.
Contact Us
If you have any inquiries about the return process or our return policy, please feel free to reach out to us at We are here to assist you.